Support homeless girls in Kolkata

The school year is beginning in much of the world, and the Bill Cook Foundation has sent more than $30,000 in the last few weeks to support schools and students in Honduras, Kenya, Ethiopia, Laos, and Cambodia.  In a few days, additional funds will be sent to the Philippines.  We very much need to replenish our treasury to prepare for the start of school in other parts of the world that do not operate on the school calendar we are all familiar with.  For example, we are looking for sponsors for very poor and homeless girls in Kolkata (Calcutta) to attend Sealdah school (the school years begins January 1). The school is located only four blocks from Saint Teresa of Kolkata’s Motherhouse and tomb. For about $600, one girl can study for a year and receive all she needs, which may include housing and food. 

Sponsors will receive periodic reports about and messages from the girl they support.  Please think about sponsoring or organizing a group to sponsor one of these wonderful girls.  Right now, the whole USA only sponsors 3; we hope that our Foundation can sponsor 15 girls.  The photo shows two Sealdah girls (on the right) teaching young children in a remote rural school near Kolkata.  All the girls at Sealdah must do something to help others less fortunate than themselves, and often that consists of weekend instruction in the countryside.  Please consider sponsoring a desperately poor girl in Kolkata.